

  • Prasad, MNV, Vithanage, M., et al Industrial and municipal sludge: emerging concerns and scope for resource recovery. Elsevier Inc. (In preparation)
  • Prasad, MNV, Vithanage, M. Electronic and Electrical Waste (2 volumes) Elsevier Inc. (In preparation)
  • Prasad, MNV, Vithanage, M. Pharmaceutical and personal care products in water. Elsevier Inc. (In preparation)
  • Vithanage, M. 2011. Understanding Hydrosphere. National Institute of Fundamental Studies, Kandy, Sri Lanka. ISBN: 978-955-26-0042-5

The hydrosphere is the liquid water component of the Earth. It includes the oceans, seas, lakes, ponds, rivers and streams. The hydrosphere covers about 70% of the surface of the Earth and is the home for many plants and animals. The book on understanding hydrosphere provides basic perceptive of the properties of water; chemistry and physics, water cycle, oceans, chemistry of sea water, El-nino and tides, water resources in Sri Lanka, water pollution and remediation and natural disasters in very simple language. A 1000 copied were published and distributed among the schools in Sri Lanka.

  • Vithanage, M. 2011. Lithosphere; Rocks and Minerals. National Institute of Fundamental Studies, Kandy, Sri Lanka. ISBN: 978-955-26-0043-2

Rocks and minerals are the building blocks of the lithosphere. Single mineral or assemblages of different minerals can create rocks. This book provides the basic understanding of the earth, its structure, plate tectonics and their distribution, minerals, mineral identification, chemical properties, rock cycle, soil formation, rocks and minerals in Sri Lanka, economic minerals and rocks and natural disasters. A 1000 copied were published and distributed among the schools in Sri Lanka.

  • Vithanage, M. 2011. Atmosphere around us. National Institute of Fundamental Studies, Kandy, Sri Lanka.  ISBN: 978-955-26-0041-8

Atmosphere is the gaseous layer around the earth. No one can stand without the atmosphere. Due to the earth’s rotation and the effect of the sun, the weather and other atmospheric phenomenon change. To understand the weather changes, climatic events, atmospheric pollution and its influence for the general population in the earth, we need to know about the atmosphere. This particular book provides basic information to the general public including the school students in layman language. The book includes sections on the Composition and structure of the atmosphere, Energy of the atmosphere, Measurements, Movements, Clouds, Atmospheric disasters, Atmospheric pollution and Biogeochemical cycles. A 1000 copied were published and distributed among the schools in Sri Lanka.

  • Vithanage, M. and Rupasinghe, M. 2001. Gem identification and valuation. A translation of the Handbook for small scale gem industry, DFID and ITDG, Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka is extremely famous for its high quality gems, sapphires, topazes, amethysts, and other gems in the world. Still the gem industry of Sri Lanka mostly relies in small scale, which is considered as sustainable. It has been identified that the valuation of Sri Lankan gems has been considered to be lower than the real value so the industry always in a loss. However, simple novel techniques in identification and treatment may improve the quality and provide a high value. Therefore, the handbook was translated to Sinhalese so that it can easily be followed by the gem dealers.

  • Vithanage, M. and Mahatantila, K. 2005. Creators of the earth: Rocks and minerals. Sarasavi publishers, Sri Lanka ISBN: 955-573-321-x

Geology has been introduced to the school level, secondary education. However, teachers even do not have a capacity of knowledge to teach geology. No practical experience at all regarding mineral identification, properties and identification of rock types. Therefore, the small book written by the authors try to provide a basic understanding about the minerals, physical and chemical properties of minerals, what are the useful methods for mineral identification, what are the 3 rock types, rock cycle, rocks and minerals find in Sri Lanka, their economic value, gems, properties of gems, identification etc. have been discussed in detail in a simple language. A 1000 copied were published by the publisher Sarasavi, one of the top book publishers in Sri Lanka, and all 1000 have been sold out.